About Me I am a retired librarian and I now support books and authors through my reviews.

I have always loved to read and I was able to share that love through my work as a public librarian for 22 1/2 years. I now promote literacy by reading, and then writing reviews. I love to support authors by sharing my reviews with others!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Certain Man (A Certain Future, Book 1) by Linda Dindzans

A Certain Man (A Certain Future Book 1)

Mara is a young Samaritan beginning to discover her love for Samuel—and his for her. Soon she will be deemed mature enough to marry. Her hopes are dashed when her greedy father brokers a match with the cruel son of the wealthy High Priest of Shechem. When her loathsome betrothed is killed, her beloved Samuel must run for his life. Mara and Samuel struggle to survive and reunite during the treacherous and scandalous times of the Bible under the merciless rule of Rome.

Along the way, they are entangled within the snares of such notable figures as King Herod, Herodias, Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas, and Salome.

The heartrending tales of Mara and Samuel are interwoven with their desperate love story. Before either meets Yeshua the Nazarene face to face. Before He sets the political, religious, and spiritual landscape on fire. And before either Mara or Samuel are immortalized in the gospels.


This new book is a fascinating blend of fictional details and biblical facts. As I continued to read about Mara's tragic life, I was reminded of another woman who seemed forever doomed to a life without love and happiness. And then, she met the One who promised to supply all of her needs with His Living Water!

I love the twists, turns, and intriguing hints that are seamlessly woven with parables from The Holy Bible. The well-defined characters possess the best and worst traits of mankind, and author Linda Dindzans shares their powerful interactions with people that we already know. including Lazarus, his sisters, Mary and Martha, and a charismatic Nazarene known as Yeshua.

It's hard to imagine that A Certain Man is a debut novel! I was totally invested in this wonderful story and I look forward to the next book in the A Certain Future series.

I received a complimentary ARC from the author. There was no obligation for a positive review.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Linda Dindzans, M.D. is a writer with the heart of a healer who offers readers stories of redemption and restoration. Though her compelling characters inhabit the treacherous times of the Bible, Linda believes there is nothing new under the sun. The battles of her characters still speak to hearts today. And only a profound encounter with the Son can transform them from victims to victors.

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