My rating: 4 of 5 stars
"This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).
This is one of the first Bible verses that I learned as a child; a simple command for a child but how many of us practice this as adults? Tim Tebow has written a book to remind us to make each day "this day". "This Is The Day" challenges all of us to step outside of our comfort zones to try to make a difference. He shares personal stories and his own experiences to motivate us and he also includes Bible scripture to encourage our efforts.
I first became aware of Tim Tebow as the football player who chose to kneel and pray before and after his football games but my admiration for him as a person has greatly increased after reading this book. It is apparent that he loves sports but that his love for God is greater; he desires to be the best that he can be as an athlete but his passion is even greater to be a better Christian and serve God every chance he has. He realizes that God gave him exceptional athletic talent and that he can use his celebrity status to help change someone's life for the better.
In his introduction Tim Tebow tells us to "Imagine waking up each day fueled by a whisper 'This is the day'" and his final words remind us that "We often promise ourselves that one day we're going to do this or that. But we're not guaranteed one day. Who knows if it will even come? Besides, life isn't just about one day. It's about this day."
I believe that this will be an excellent book to share with young people and that its appeal will extend to both sports fans and Christian readers. I enjoyed This Is The Day and I am glad that I was given the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy.
I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Publishers and voluntarily wrote this review. These are my honest opinios.
@waterbrookmultnomah #PRHpartner
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