You know all about crying babies, dirty diapers, toddler tantrums, potty training, school assignments, and the list goes on and on. Ahhh, Motherhood! But wait, there’s more!
Judy Brisky wants you to know that despite any of these demanding situations, even in the toughest of seasons, you can experience the joy of being a mom every single day. But first you will need help and wisdom that can only come from the Lord. Then you will find that being a mom is one of the most joyful experiences you will ever have. Yes, you’ll get tired and you’ll feel pressures, but you’ll also be filled with joy!
Judy offers the encouragement you need to face common challenges and offers practical solutions from the Bible. She shares from her own relatable experiences, mostly good, but also not so great. Even more, she will bring you hope and motivation to:
Judy Brisky wants you to know that despite any of these demanding situations, even in the toughest of seasons, you can experience the joy of being a mom every single day. But first you will need help and wisdom that can only come from the Lord. Then you will find that being a mom is one of the most joyful experiences you will ever have. Yes, you’ll get tired and you’ll feel pressures, but you’ll also be filled with joy!
Judy offers the encouragement you need to face common challenges and offers practical solutions from the Bible. She shares from her own relatable experiences, mostly good, but also not so great. Even more, she will bring you hope and motivation to:
Cherish each season
Deposit intentional investments of love
Make every word count
Leave a lasting legacy
This book is for moms of ALL ages, and it is filled with encouraging words for women in EVERY stage of motherhood. Author Judy Brisky shares her experiences in raising her own children, along with the wisdom she has gained. She also urges readers to value the role that God has given them, to dedicate themselves to raising children who love and respect their Heavenly Father, and then, being a living witness for their children. She reminds us that "Telling your children to read the Bible is good, but reading it with them as you sit side by side is even better".
The Joy of Being Mom has so many nuggets of sound advice and it is rich in God's Word. Each chapter begins with a Bible selection, but it doesn't stop there. More scripture is shared throughout the chapter and it concludes with a Study Guide that includes a Review, (more) Scripture, Questions, Heart Connectors, and Prayer. The icing on the cake? There are coloring pages at the end of each chapter to further emphasize the topic you've just read.
The Joy of Being Mom has so many nuggets of sound advice and it is rich in God's Word. Each chapter begins with a Bible selection, but it doesn't stop there. More scripture is shared throughout the chapter and it concludes with a Study Guide that includes a Review, (more) Scripture, Questions, Heart Connectors, and Prayer. The icing on the cake? There are coloring pages at the end of each chapter to further emphasize the topic you've just read.
I've experienced all of the stages of being a Mom, so I've felt the exhaustion, the fears, and the disappointments. I have also known the overwhelming love and joy, and I do value the role that God gave me. I also understand that "once a mom, always a mom" is so true, as I enjoy this season of being a grandmother!
Brisky has written this book in an easy, conversational style that makes you feel like she is talking directly to you! I recommend that you grab a copy, take your time to read and ponder the words, and then apply them to your own season of being a mother, so that you can also appreciate The Joy of Being Mom!
I received a copy of this book from Gateway Publishing and Blog About Blogger Network. There was no obligation for a positive review. These are my very own thoughts.
Judy and her husband, Mike, have been married more than 30 years. They attend Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, where Mike is the Executive Pastor to the Senior Pastor. For more than a decade, Judy has enjoyed teaching and speaking on marriage, parenting, and all things Jesus! She has a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from Pan American University (known today as The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley). Judy and Mike have two adult sons and two wonderful daughters-in-love. Jacob is married to Neeli, and Joel is married to Danielle (Danny).
Want to learn more? Visit Judy's Website Facebook Instagram
I am thrilled to have a copy of The Joy of Being Mom to give away. Please comment below, telling me what season of motherhood you are enjoying. Are you a mom to young children, teens, adults, or are you perhaps enjoying grandchildren? Please tell me and don't forget to leave your email in a non-spam format. Example: name (at) domain name (dot) com. Giveaway ends Friday, June 25, 2021.
Brisky has written this book in an easy, conversational style that makes you feel like she is talking directly to you! I recommend that you grab a copy, take your time to read and ponder the words, and then apply them to your own season of being a mother, so that you can also appreciate The Joy of Being Mom!
I received a copy of this book from Gateway Publishing and Blog About Blogger Network. There was no obligation for a positive review. These are my very own thoughts.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Judy and her husband, Mike, have been married more than 30 years. They attend Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, where Mike is the Executive Pastor to the Senior Pastor. For more than a decade, Judy has enjoyed teaching and speaking on marriage, parenting, and all things Jesus! She has a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from Pan American University (known today as The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley). Judy and Mike have two adult sons and two wonderful daughters-in-love. Jacob is married to Neeli, and Joel is married to Danielle (Danny).
Want to learn more? Visit Judy's Website Facebook Instagram
I am thrilled to have a copy of The Joy of Being Mom to give away. Please comment below, telling me what season of motherhood you are enjoying. Are you a mom to young children, teens, adults, or are you perhaps enjoying grandchildren? Please tell me and don't forget to leave your email in a non-spam format. Example: name (at) domain name (dot) com. Giveaway ends Friday, June 25, 2021.
This sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing.