SHE LAUGHS! In the face of. . .Poverty. Grief. Brokenness. Disaster. Hopeless Situations. Life’s Struggles.
And you can too!
Join CA Miljavac on a journey of joy.
She believes with all her heart that laughter is a gift, providing a sliver of distraction from whatever struggle you might be facing. . .relief when you need rescuing. . .hope in the midst of hardship.
Though her life has been dotted with disaster, it’s through laughter that she found the strength and courage to persevere. . .joy for the journey. And she’ll help you discover all the ways laughter can carry you through your very own painful situations.
In ten laugh-till-you-cry chapters, Miljavac shares how laughter has been an essential and valuable part of her own healing, plus hilarious true stories will help you get started on the path to a life of peace and joy.
The little girl who came from humble beginnings and experienced a 'Goodwill upbringing' has chosen to choose faith over fear and to laugh. And it is her humor and ability to laugh that in turn makes all of us laugh. In her new book Carolanne Miljavac shares all of the times when she could have curled up in a ball and cried, but instead, turned to putting herself out there, becoming a class clown, and choosing to laugh. She shares all of this in She Laughs but oh, there is so much more! Your heart will break for that young girl who lived in poverty and you will cry when you read about the grief she suffered watching her six year old niece being treated for cancer. And it is in this chapter, She Breaks, that Miljavac admits that sometimes you just have to cry. 'She laughs in the face of tears, knowing God works for the good in all of her fears.' (p. 160) 'She laughs, knowing when she's had all she can take, He lifts her up when she breaks.' (p. 161)
'She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.' This book will inspire you to seek that quality of the virtuous woman mentioned in Proverbs 31:25.
She Laughs is funny, inspiring, and a book that I highly recommend!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
With over 100 million video views and 450 thousand social media followers, CA miljavac has become the "Go To Girl" for a good laugh, motivation, loving truths and vulnerability. She can pull your heart strings while tapping your funny bone with a message of beauty from ashes. Her purpose in life is to spread love and joy, without sacrificing honesty and truth.
She believes we all have a story to tell. Abandoned, abused, broken and lost, grief taught her gratitude, pain gave her purpose, and loss revealed true love. Faith gave her wings to fly above fear, and she is on a mission to lovingly kick you out of your nest too!
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