The Armor of God: Your Key to Victory
Right now, there is a real spiritual battle going on in the unseen realm. Every Christian must equip themselves against the forces of darkness. Victory is possible when we use the full armor of God described in Ephesians 6.
In Pastor Phil Hopper’s first book, Defeating the Enemy, he helped identify the devil’s strategies. Now, in The Weapons of Our Warfare, Pastor Hopper takes readers to the next level of spiritual warfare!
Learn how to:
Break free from Satan’s strongholds: learn how to overcome destructive life patterns.
Exercise your Kingdom authority: engage the enemy from a place of victory.
Use the full Armor of God: understand the spiritual significance and practical application of each piece of the armor.
Spiritual warfare is a call to arms. Use the Armor of God to claim your victory and demolish the enemy’s work in your life today!
In this new book Pastor Phil Hopper relates an incident when he was a rookie police officer and arrived at the scene of a robbery without his gun. He realized that by making this mistake he had risked his life and the life of a store clerk and he shares his experience to remind Christians that we often make this same mistake. We go to war "completely unprepared and completely unarmed" against the spiritual battles that rage around us.
"Whether or not you're paying attention to him, the enemy is paying attention to you." This statement from page 26 reminds us that the Evil One never sleeps and Hopper offers stories, illustrations, scripture, and biblical truths to help us recognize and withstand these attacks. The Weapons of Our Warfare will inspire you to devote more time to reading God's Word, it will motivate you to diligently follow His Word , and it will prompt you to increase your time spent in prayer. Pastor Hopper reminds us that "Prayer makes all the armor of God operable and powerful in our lives." We must all be vigilant against the evil that surrounds us each and every day!
There are so many powerful thoughts and statements worthy of being highlighted and I know that this won't be a book that I read once and then set aside. The Weapons of our Warfare is one of the best Christian books that I've read recently and I recommend it for anyone wanting to deepen their Christian walk.
I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher but there was no obligation to write a positive review.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Phil Hopper has been the lead Pastor of Abundant Life Church in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, since 2000. He watched God do extraordinary things in the life of the church as it has grown from 100 people to a mega church touching thousands and thousands of people each week. Prior to entering the ministry, he was a police officer and sergeant with the Kansas City Police Department where he served as a SWAT team member. It was through this experience that God uniquely prepared him for the ministry. Phil lives in the Lee’s Summit area with his wife, Christa. They have three children: Jake, Makay, and Josh.
Learn more about Pastor Hopper at his Website
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