When we get out of bed in the morning, we don't know what the day ahead holds. It could be routine. It could be amazing. It could be devastating. No matter what each day holds, one of the biggest influences on the direction our days take is our own attitude. We can live in fear, worry, and anxiety, or we can choose to live with purpose, trusting God in every circumstance.
Compact and concise, Carolyn Larsen's Words of Comfort for Women and Words of Hope for Women each offer you 90 inspiring devotional readings that will help you remember God's presence in your days and see your world from a positive perspective. These short, to-the-point readings illuminate God's promises and show you just how they apply to your everyday life. Beautifully designed, these devotionals are the perfect gift for a friend--and for yourself.
Words of Comfort for Women is small enough to fit in most purses but it is overflowing with encouragement and comfort. Author Carolyn Larsen shares ninety devotions, each with an appropriate Bible verse, that cover such subjects as grief, stress, forgiveness, and trust. One that especially spoke to me was the devotion titled God's Comforter and Larsen reminds us that Jesus Christ promised to ask his Father to send One called a "Helper", an "Advocate", or "Counselor". This is the Holy Spirit and "The Spirit's work helps you know God more fully, trust him more completely, and love him more deeply. He is God's special gift for you.' (p. 144)
Words of Comfort for Women would be a perfect gift with its beautiful cover and lovely illustrated pages but it is definitely a book you will want for yourself.
I received a copy from Revell but a positive review was not required. These are my own thoughts.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Carolyn Larsen has written more than 40 books for children and adults. She is best known as the author of the Little Girls Bible Storybook line of products, which have collectively sold more than one million units. In addition, Carolyn is a speaker who has taught and spoken extensively in the United States and overseas. She is the cofounder of the performing group Flashpoints, which is comprised of five women who share a God-ignited passion to encourage women and girls to know God better through drama, creative movement, signing, and humor. Carolyn is the mother of three and lives with her husband in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
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